Chairman Michael Lathan opened the Public Hearing at 7:00pm with Board Members Jim Balonek, Leslie Krajewski, Jackie Ali, Crista Boldt and Alternate Tim Thomas present.
Steve McQuillen, Mr. & Mrs. John Ianni, Elaine Doris and Adrew Darling were also present.
Chairman Lathan began the meeting with the Public Hearing for Jason Spencer, TMP # 1.2-9.12. The paperwork shows a 12×20 shed to be placed there. Originally the setback was 3’, this is now 30’. No one was here for this property, but Jason did call and speak with Mike earlier and stated that he will have a home built next spring, within the 18 months of the secondary structure.
Crista Boldt made a motion to close the Public Hearing for Jason Spencer at 7:08pm, Jim Balonek second the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
The Public Hearing for John Ianni opened at 7:08pm.
The Ianni property on Griswold Rd. TMP # 2.1-26.2 was discussed, they would like a shed to be placed on this property with the understanding that a primary structure would be built within 18 months. The size of his shed will be 12x30x24.
Tim Thomas made a motion to close the Public Hearing for John Ianni at 7:10pm, second by Leslie Krajewski. The motion passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
The Regular Zoning Board of Appeals opened at 7:10pm. Crista Boldt made a motion to approve the October 16, 2023, meeting minutes with the following changes: the attendance is incorrect, and Mike Lathan did not abstain from a vote, Jackie Ali second and the motion passed unanimously 5-0.
No Old Business.
New Business
It was asked of John Ianni what the purpose of the shed would be, he responded for storage. He also agrees with the 18 months to build the primary structure. Elaine Doris then asked where this property was located; she received a notice of this meeting but was not clear about where it was. When she was told, she had no objection to the project.
Leslie Krajewski made a motion to approve TMP # 2.1-26.2 for the shed on this property with the understanding that a primary building be built within 18 months, Crista Boldt second and the motion passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
The variance application for Jason Spencer TMP# 1.2-9.12 was discussed. Code Officer Gene Sinclair has a copy of the property with a 30’ variance. Jason agrees with the 18-month stipulation for a primary structure.
Crista made a motion to approve TMP # 1.2-9.12 for the shed on this property with the understanding that a primary building be built within 18 months, Jim Balonek second the motion and the motion passed unanimously with a 5-0 vote.
The property on the corner of Roanoke Rd. and Transit Rd. was questioned; do they have a valid permit? Yes, it has been amended and all is properly filed.
Jackie Ali made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm, second by Leslie Krajewski and the motion and the motion passed unanimously 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Radley for Walter Kershenski