APRIL 11, 2022
The Stafford Town Board Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Supervisor Clement leading the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilmen James Duyssen, Robert Pacer, Ronald Panek and Donald Mullen. Also in attendance were Highway Superintendent Steven Boldt and Town Clerk Barbara Radley, CEO/ZEO Gerry Wood and Assessor Anne Sapeinza.
Community Members Phyllis Darling, Cathy and Dale Worthington, Harold Leanos, Linda Call, Andrew Darling, and Terry Maid were also in attendance.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to approve the March 14, 2022 meeting minutes, Councilman Pacer second, and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to approve the Financial Report of February and March, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Resolution 19 to introduce Local Law 1 of 2022, Prohibiting Parking on All Town Roads, Councilman Pacer second the motion and was approved on a Roll Call Vote as follows:
Councilman Duyssen aye
Councilman Pacer aye
Councilman Panek aye
Councilman Mullen aye
Supervisor Clement aye
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Resolution 21 Hiring Michelle McEwen for Town Hall Cleaner, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on Roll Call vote as follows:
Councilman Mullen aye
Councilman Panek aye
Councilman Duyssen aye
Councilman Pacer aye
Supervisor Clement aye 1
A discussion was held on the legality of the bids because the specs did not specify a Stafford Resident; and was clarified that a Stafford Resident would have preference, that is what the Town Board has always done.
Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve Resolution 22, Agreement with Genesee County Planning Board, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a Roll Call vote as follows:
Councilman Mullen aye
Councilman Panek aye
Councilman Duyssen aye
Councilman Pacer aye
Supervisor Clement aye
The position of Town Historian was discussed. We received three applications for the position; it was decided that a committee of Councilman Mullen, Supervisor Clement, Linda Call and another member of the Historical Society would meet on May 2nd at 7pm at the Town Hall to review the candidates and make a decision to bring back to the Board at the May 9th meeting.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to approve Resolution 23 Zoning and Planning Board Secretary Replacement, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Resolution 24 Establishing Standard Workday and Reporting Elected and Appointed Officials Exempt from the Time and Attendance System, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Cathy Worthington has questions about WD #12; Supervisor Clement advised that the engineer on the project assured him that the bids will go out this week. The Dog Park will not happen this year due to a tight budget and may be reconsidered next year. The Money Market is not in the stock market, Fire Department Report was read. The Website Questions were answered and decided that the email notifications will be taken down due to the complexity of it.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to take $2500.00 from the Tax Collection that was not used and apply the money to the Deputy Clerk hours for time needed to research and straighten out the missing minutes on the Website as well as organizing the filing system and bring it up to date; second by Councilman Pacer and passed on a 5-0 vote.
The FOIL ACT was discussed; Councilman Panek made a motion to table acting on the FOIL Law while looking into the general law to be discussed in the May meeting, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Town Zoning Law was discussed at length and was decided to have the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Boards along with a member of each board, two Town Board members and two volunteers from the community along with our CEO/ZEO chair. The Town Clerk will put a note on the Website asking for interested parties to volunteer.
Linda Call addressed the Town Board on behalf of the Garden Club; the annual plant sale will be held at the Town Park and would like the banner up before hand to advertise; Councilman Panek made the motion to approve the placing of a banner on the fence at Emery Park advertising the annual Plant Sale, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Panek made a motion to give Linda Call $75.00 for plants to be put around the flag pole at Illette Park, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
The Historical Society will have their first meeting for this year on April 27th at 7:00pm. This will be an Organizational Meeting and the Guest Speaker will be Mary Ellen Reardon from Seven Springs Country Club; she has written a book on the Country Club and will speak about it, all are welcome.
There has been no new news about the Solar Project to report.
Highway Superintendent Steve Boldt reports that things are looking good at the moment; the picnic tables from Emery Park are cleaned up, the staples have been pulled and are restained. The next project will be to take the staples out of the poles at the park. The roads are in good shape for now; asphalt is too high for road repair now, so that is on hold and he is watching the price; if it comes down he may do some repaving.
Councilman Panek reports that the Broadband project with the county is being looked at. He has looked into how much of the Town is in need of Broadband coverage and looking at what it will cost to finish the Town. He is also looking into a grant to help supplement the cost of the project. A letter of intent will go out April 22 and the application will be complete by June. A resolution will be required to move the money needed for this project and will be written for next month’s meeting.
Councilman Panek made a motion to approve Abstract #4 General Fund in the amount of
$ 28,038.24, this is $249.96 less because of a missing invoice, second by Councilman Mullen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Abstract #4 General Fund in the amount of
$ 31,648.79, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session with Assessor Anne Sapienza at 9:25, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Upon returning from Executive Session at 10:17, Councilman Pacer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 PM, second by Councilman Mullen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Respectfully Submitted
Barb Radley
Town Clerk