FEBRUARY 14, 2022
The Town of Stafford Board Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Supervisor Robert Clement with the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance are Councilman Robert Pacer, James Duyssen, Ronald Panek and Donald Mullen along with Highway Supervisor Steve Boldt and Town Clerk Barbara Radley.
Also in attendance were Phyllis Darling, Brooks Hawley, Linda Call, Cathy Worthington, Dale Worthington, Dan Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, and Andrew Darling.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to accept the January 10, 2022 Organizational Minutes, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to accept the January 10, 2022 Town Board Meeting, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve Resolution 16-Budget Transfer, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve Resolution 16-Budget Transfer, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
A discussion of the Time Warner/Spectrum Franchise Agreement was held; after some research, Councilman Panek found that the contract was not exclusive to Spectrum/Time Warner. This means that there can be competition for the service in the Town of Stafford. The Franchise money which has been coming in steadily can be used for the expansion of internet within the Town of Stafford.
Legislator Hawley spoke about the County receiving two million dollars for internet expansion in the county. At this time, Time Warner/Spectrum is the only available internet in Stafford.
The monthly Fire Department Report was read by Supervisor Clement and approved.
Samantha Call has expressed interest in the Recreation Director position; Councilman Pacer made a motion to hire Samantha Call as Director of Recreation, Councilman Duyssen second and was approved on a 5-0 vote.
The Cleaning Bids were accepted and discussed. Councilman Mullen suggested that the bids be opened February 28, 2022 at 7pm; appointments will be made with the candidates for interviews.
Councilman Mullen made a motion to allow Supervisor Clement to sign the Service Agreement for a one year time period with Hurricane Technologies for the IT services needed at the Town Hall, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.
The Code and Zoning Report was received and approved. Cathy Worthington had questions about the Code Officer and vacation time; she was advised that salaried workers have vacation time.
Dan Huntington on behalf of BW Solar spoke about meeting with the Zoning Board next week. This is concerning the current setbacks in the Town of Stafford Solar Law. Also mentioned was the County not approving the project because of the language of the law and advised BW Solar to ask for a change in the language, to remove the barriers and pass an amendment to the law. This is out of the normal scope, and ask for a variance. Councilman Mullen asked again about the errors in the application; Mr. Huntington will look into this and resubmit the application.
Councilman Panek spoke of the Tax Rates in the County; Stafford is the third lowest Tax Rate in the County at $.89 per thousand. Pembroke is lowest at $.47 per thousand, Darien at $.48 per thousand, Alabama at $3.10, Alexander at $4.38, Batavia at $2.50, Bergen at $2.34, Bethany at $3.99, Byron at $4.92, Elba at $4.14, LeRoy at $1.09, Oakfield at $5.89, and Pavilion at $1.44.
The easements are settled for Water District #12; hopefully this will go to bid in a couple weeks and the cost of the pipes is coming down.
Cathy Worthington was questioning the approval of NYCLASS from last month. Is this something we are using to invest our money? It was explained that NYCLASS is another way to invest, but, we have not used it yet.
Councilman Panek made a motion to approve Abstract #2 General Fund in the amount of $ 40,687.54, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Panek made a motion to approve Abstract #2 Highway Fund in the amount of $27,728.63, second by Councilman Mullen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Abstract #14 General Fund in the amount of $24,038.00, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Abstract #14 Capital Projects in the amount of $3,871.60, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Abstract #2 Fire Protection District One in the amount of $406,000.00, Councilman Pacer second and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Duyssen made a motion to approve Abstract #2 Water Fund in the amount of $98,047.78, Councilman Pacer second and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Panek made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 8:51pm, second by Councilman Mullen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Councilman Pacer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a 5-0 vote.
Respectfully Submitted
Barbara Radley
Town Clerk
Town of Stafford