Stafford Planning Board Meeting
December 18, 2024
William VanAlst Chairman
Carol Queal Board Member
Sharon Valyear-Gray Board Member
Lindsay Yoder Board Member
Richard Squires Board Member
Lucas Torrey Alternate Board Member acting as Board Member
Walt Kershenski Recording Secretary
Anita Taylor Board Member
Paul Tenney Board Member
Gary Snell, Charles Giacchino, Laura Giacchino, Steve Foster, Sandra Swanson, Andrew H., Barbie Starowitz, David Carroll, David Cook, Danette Lotta, Tony Prinz, Kevin O’Donoghue, Tim Hodgins, Andrew Darling, Phyllis Darling, Beth Carr, Lori Prinz, Frederick Branton, Amanda Giesler, Laren Giesler, Ian Shavitz, Ashley Giesler.
Chairman VanAlst called the regular meeting of the Town of Stafford Planning Board at 7:00pm. He read the newly adopted Rules of Public Hearings.
Public Hearings
- 7:00 pm – Application for a Special Use Permit by Red Osier Landmark Restaurant for a gift shop building to be installed and operated on the property at 6492 Main Road, TMP 10.-2-74.2. Chairman VanAlst read the notice for the Public Hearing. No one in the audience wished to speak on this application. No further discussion on this application.
The Public Hearing closed at 7:08 pm.
- 7:30 pm-Application by C.E. Crocker for Site Plan Approval for a storage barn to be constructed on their property at 8610 Route 237 TMP 6.-1-42.211. Chairman VanAlst read the notice for the Public Hearing and the Rules of a Public Hearing.
Chairman VanAlst then read the Genesee County Planning Board findings that recommended approval: this should pose no impact and added that the Stafford Fire Department should be notified of this application with the building and contents. Chairman VanAlst sent a letter and a copy of the application and site plan to the Stafford Fire Department. The Chairman did receive a voicemail from the Fire Chief who reviewed the site plan and has no issues with the proposed building; this was received on December 12, 2024.
David Cook, counsel for CEC spoke and reminded everyone that this meeting is for the purpose of a Site Plan approval only.
Rick Branton spoke, saying his family started this company many years ago and has since sold it, then asked if there was a copy of the Site Plan for him to view; he did look at the map of the property and where the proposed building will be.
Ian Shavitz, attorney for the Prinz’s spoke on the harmonious use of the property and adjacent properties, including the accumulated impacts on the neighboring houses. Each new storage facility increases dust emissions and impacts to neighboring houses. Another issue was the placement of buildings storing fertilizer 100 feet or less to the neighboring properties. He presented pictures of the neighborhood and impacts of the dust particles. There will be a written notice of the issues he has presented before the next meeting. This will include results of testing that has been performed.
It was asked that he also give the findings to Crockers as well as the Town engineers and Planning Board for all to review.
Several residents spoke about their concerns as well; neighbors of Crockers with concerns over substances on their property and depressed property values, as well as residents of Stafford with concerns about truck traffic and volume of storage of chemicals.
Tony Prinz asked that the Special Use Permits be inspected yearly as they should be.
It was suggested that the Public Hearing be adjourned and not closed so that the written notices could be given and reviewed at a later date.
Sharon Valyear-Gray made a motion to adjourn the public hearing at 8:40 pm and keep this open until the January meeting, second by Carol Queal and passed on a 6-0 -2 vote. Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
Regular Meeting
- Carol Queal made a motion to approve the minutes of November 20, 2024, second by Lindsay Yoder and approved on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
- Old Business
- Application for Special Use Permit by Red Osier Landmark Restaurant for a gift shop building to be installed on the property at 6492 Main Road, TMP 10.-2-74.2. This was discussed after the Public Hearing which no one spoke. The Short Environmental Assessment Form was reviewed; Part one was filled out, Part 2 the impact assessment found no impact, Part 3 is where Chairman VanAlst will write about the traffic issue.
Sharon Valyear-Gray moved that there is no significant adverse environmental impact for this application, second by Richard Squires and approved on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
Chairman VanAlst presented a Resolution for Special Use Permit 61-2024.
Sharon Valyear-Gray moved to accept the Resolution, second by Carol Queal and approved on a Roll Call Vote:
Carol Queal-Yes, William VanAlst-Yes, Sharon Valyear-Gray-Yes, Lucas Torrey-Yes, Richard Squires-Yes, Lindsay Yoder-Yes,
The vote was approved on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
- Application by C.E. Crocker for Site Plan Approval for a storage barn to be constructed on their property at 8610 Route 237, TMP 6.0-1-42.211. Due to the concerns raised at the Public Hearing, and that additional information will be submitted in writing for review and consideration, there will be no action taken tonight on either the environmental assessment or the application. The Code Officer will be requested to complete a Compliance Inspection of the C.E. Crocker facility prior to the January Planning Board Meeting and report findings.
- New Business
- Application by Richard Smith Irrevocable Trust for Land Separation at 8445 Route 237, TMP 7.-1-38.11-separate rear of property from frontage lot and merge with adjacent TMP 7.-1-39. Tim Welch from Welch & O’Donoghue was present to represent the Smith Family. It was reported that the County has no record of any land separation for the past three years making this an acceptable land separation. All fees have been paid.
Sharon Valyear-Gray made a motion to accept this as a land separation; second by Carol Queal and passed on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
Sharon Valyear-Gray made a motion to approve the land separation with condition that Parcel B be merged with TMP 7-1-39 (MY T Lands LLC), second by Lucas Torrey and passed on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
- Correspondence/Workshops/Reports/General Information, no reports.
- Sharon Valyear-Gray made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm, second by Carol Queal and approved on a 6-0-2 vote, Anita Taylor and Paul Tenney were absent.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Radley for Walt Kershenski Recording Secretary