Dec 17, 2024 | News & Updates, Town Board Meeting Minutes



  1. The Supervisor/Chair shall maintain order at all board meetings and public hearings.


  1. All meeting attendees will be required to sign a Sign-In Sheet upon arrival.


  1. The public shall be allowed to speak only during a public hearing or during the public comment period of the meeting or at such other times as a majority of the Board shall allow.


  1. All meeting attendees interested in addressing the Board shall mark on the Sign-In Sheet that they wish to speak.


  1. Only one (1) person will be allowed to speak at any given time.


  1. Any person wishing to speak at a meeting or public hearing will have three (3) minutes in which to do so, the Supervisor/Chair may allow a speaker to continue if time permits.


  1. The speaker will be asked to stand up and state his/her full name and address before asking any questions or making any comments and/or statements. Speakers should speak slowly, deliberately and be as brief as possible.


  1. The substitution of speakers by the public is not allowed.


  1. A Speaker addressing the Board shall address his/her remarks to the Board only and not to other members of the audience in the form of a debate. All questions, comments and/or statements will be directed to the Board as a whole and not to any individual member thereof.


  1. The Board is not obligated to respond to public comments.


  1. Any person wishing to submit a written statement to be read into the record shall provide said statement to the Supervisor/Chair at the beginning of the meeting/public hearing.


  1. The use of handheld sound or video recording devices by the public is allowed, unless the recording devices or their use interrupt and interfere with the orderly conduct of the meeting/hearing or with the ability of the public to hear or see the proceedings.


  1. Speakers should realize that speaking about items on the agenda and making public comments at board meetings is a privilege, not a right. Those who attend such meetings and decide to freely speak out and voice their opinions should fully realize that their comments and remarks are being made in a public forum.