MEETING OF January 22, 2025 DRAFT
William VanAlst -Chairman
Lindsay Yoder – Board Member
Anita Taylor – Board Member
Richard Squires – Board Member
Lucas Torrey – Alternate Board member (acting as Regular Board Member)
Barb Radley – Recording Secretary
Gene Sinclair – CEO/ZEO
ABSENT: Sharon Valyear-Gray, Carol Queal, Paul Tenney
OTHERS PRESENT: Andrew Darling, Cathy Worthington Tony Prinz, Gene Sinclair
Chairman VanAlst called the regular meeting of the Town of Stafford Planning Board to order at 7:00 p.m.
Chairman VanAlst stated that the scheduled Public Hearing continuance for Carolina Eastern Crocker was adjourned until the February 26, 2025 meeting because time is needed to review the information given to them. After consulting the Town Attorney, the decision was deemed appropriate.
Chairman VanAlst has sent written materials to the Planning Board regarding the CEC property from Mr. Prinz’s attorney, a written complaint was also received from Mrs. Geisler that was also sent. Mr. VanAlst has received a written zoning complaint filed by the Prinz family, he will send to all members soon.
Chairman VanAlst received a letter from the Fire Department stating there is no objections to CEC and their new application.
There is enough notice for the Planning Board to reschedule hearing and CEC will be responsible for the new ad, postage and any other expenses incurred from adjourning this public hearing.
Carol Queal and Sharon Valyear-Gray called in sick, we did not hear from Mr. Tenney therefore, Lucas Torrey will be a Regular Member tonight.
1: Approval of December 18 2024 Meeting Minutes:
Motion made by Planning Board Member Squires and seconded by Planning Board Member Yoder to approve the minutes of December 18, 2024 as submitted by Recording Secretary Barb Radley. Motion passed 4 to 0-1. Taylor was absent and therefore abstained.
Chairman VanAlst has sent written materials to the Planning Board regarding the CEC property from Mr. Prinz’s attorney, a written complaint was also received from Mrs. Geisler that was also sent. Mr. VanAlst has received a written zoning complaint filed by the Prinz family; he will send it to all members soon.
Chairman VanAlst received a letter from the Fire Department stating there is no objections to CEC and their new application.
There is enough notice for the Planning Board to reschedule hearing and CEC will be responsible for the new ad, postage and any other expenses incurred from adjourning this public hearing.
Doug Ehrhart/Wayne Ford has an application for a Land Separation on Sweetland Rd. All members have a copy of the application to review. No representative was present to ask or answer questions, they were informed when the meeting will be held. This is a type 2 action so no environmental action is needed. This is for the north side of Sweetland Rd. There was an application for this in 2020 to split land from the farmhouse. This application is splitting another section of the property. This application meets the requirements of a land separation because it is more than three years from the original application.
This application involves splitting a parcel 6.4 acres to be merged with the farmhouse lot TMP 9-1-66. The issue is the pond is in the middle of the separation. There is a question of who is responsible for maintenance of the pond in that case. The property line could be adjusted to keep it 100 feet from the property line to meet the setback requirements,. These issues need to be addressed before any action could be taken.
Motion by Board Member Yoder to table this application, second by Board Member Taylor and approved 5-0. Chairman VanAlst will contact the applicant to discuss options.
Correspondence/Workshops/Reports/General Information
Genesee 5 & 6 Solar Farm application is underway; the Town Board has declared they are the lead agency. The Town Attorney helped the Town Board chose Camoin for the Socio-Economic Survey, Imagination also applied but Camoin was chosen.
Camoin was suggested by CPL, they are out of Saratoga Springs. A letter will be sent to confirm this action and will be presented at the February 10, 2025 Town Board Meeting.
At the December Town Board Meeting the Town Board discussed a new local law for the Right to Farm; the Town Board is looking at the Local Laws of three Towns, Elba, York and Covington. Chairman VanAlst will send this to all Planning Board members for their review and offer suggestions to the Town Board.
Gene Sinclair mentioned that we have a new Zoning Officer, John Pestillo, with whom he is working. John will manage zoning issues for now since he is not certified in Code as of yet.
A new Boot Camp for the Planning Board is beginning tomorrow for anyone interested.
A motion by Board Member Taylor to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm, second by Board member Torrey and approved 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Radley
Submitted by Barb Radley, Secretary