TO: Town of Stafford Clerk
Pursuant to the provisions of the New York State Freedom of Information Law, Article 6
of the Public Offices Law, I do hereby request to inspect certain records or portions thereof, as follows:
I (do)(do not) request copies of these documents. If copies are requested, the fee will be
$ .25 per copy (page) , to be paid in advance.
The Freedom of Information Law requires that the Town of Stafford respond to requests
within five (5) business days of the receipt of a request.
If for any reason any portion of this request is denied, reason for denial will be given in
writing within the aforesaid five (5) business days of receipt of the request. You have the
right to appeal any denial of any request or portion thereof to the Stafford Town Board, c/o
Stafford Town Hall, 8903 Route 237, P.O. Box 52, Stafford, New York 14143. This appeal
must be in writing and must be made within thirty (30) days of the denial.
Dated: _____________________ _________________________________
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