February 10, 2025 Town Board Meeting

Feb 24, 2025 | Town Board Meeting Minutes




Town Supervisor Clement opened the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Stafford at 7:30pm by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Councilman Panek, Councilman Young, Councilman Duyssen, Councilman Pacer, Highway Superintendent Boldt, and Town Clerk Radley.

Additional attendees were James Pontillo, Laura Pontillo, Donna Voorhees, Tony Prinz, Andrew Darling, Charles Giacchino, Jeremy DeLyser representing CPL, David Roach and David DiMatteo from DiMatteo, Roach, and Kelly Law Firm and Gene Sinclair.

Councilman Young made a motion to approve the Financial Report, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve the minutes of the Organizational Meeting of January 13, 2025, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Panek made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of January 13, 2025, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Pacer made a motion to enter into Executive Session at 7:45pm for a discussion on pending litigation, Highway Superintendent Boldt, Town Clerk Radley, Code Officer Sinclair and David Roach were invited to attend; second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.

The Regular Town Board Meeting resumed at 8:40 pm.

Councilman Panek made a motion to enter into a Stipulated Agreement to resolve the Town of Stafford vs. James Pontillo litigation signed by Mr. Pontillo on January 31, 2025, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a Roll Call Vote:

Councilman Panek                              Yes

Councilman Young                             Yes

Councilman Duyssen                          Yes

Councilman Pacer                               Yes

Supervisor Clement                             Yes




Jeremy DeLyser from Clark Patterson Lee talked about Water District 14 and 15 which are in the planning stages. The WIIA grant has been approved for Water District 14, and the Income Survey is near completion, then this information will go to the USRDA for approval.

Jeremy will meet with the liaison for Water Districts 14 & 15 with Municipal Solutions, our Supervisor, Highway Superintendent, Terry Young from the Town Board and the Town Clerk to go over Water District 15, the Income Survey and any other business related to this subject.

Water District #12 needs more easements and will not affect the budget of this project. The Fotch Rd. needs pavement for a portion of the road.

There was a question of the Map Plan and Report for Water District 15; there has not been one created yet. Water District 14 has a Map Plan and Report and does not need the State Comptroller reporting. It is projected that Water District 15 will need State Comptroller approval.

The County will not allow any new districts until Phase 2 is completed, which has not been started yet.

The Solar project was also discussed. The Town is expected to engage in the firm Camoin tonight . The Real Property Guarantee Study is in progress but has not been finalized yet.

Justin Steinbech from Clark Patterson Lee has reviewed the firms Imagine and Camoin and recommend Camoin because they are more comprehensive and have more experience than Imagine.


Councilman Young made a motion to approve Resolution 11 to Engage Camoin Associates to Conduct a Socio-Economic Impact Study for CDG Genesee 5 & 6 Solar Projects, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.



RESOLUTION 11                                          DATED: FEBRUARY 10, 2025






Adopted: February 10, 2025



WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Stafford met at a regular board meeting at the Town Hall located at 8903 Route 237, Stafford, New York on the 10th day of February, 2025, commencing at 7:30 P.M. at which time and place the following members were:



Supervisor                   Robert Clement

Councilmember           Ronald Panek

Councilmember           Terry Young

Councilmember           James Duyssen

Councilmember           Robert Pacer



WHEREAS, all Board Members, having due notice of said meeting, and that pursuant to Article 7, §104 of the Public Officers Law, said meeting was open to the general public and due and proper notice of the time and place whereof was given as required by law; and


WHEREAS the Town Board is considering the application of NY CDG Genesee 5 LLC and NY CDG Genesee 6 LLC solar projects (“the Proposed Projects” hereinafter) for a special use permit; and


WHEREAS, as a condition of granting such special use permit, Section 143-7(6) of the Town Code of the Town of Stafford requires that a socio-economic study be undertaken to gauge the impact of such a solar installation on the Town prior to granting approval; and


WHEREAS the Town sent out requests for proposals to several firms capable of conducting such a study, including Appleseed, Inc, Camoin Associates, Fairweather Consulting, and Imagine Solutions and,





Whereas, upon review of the proposals received by the Town, the Town Board feels that Camoin Associates will conduct a thorough investigation of the socio-economic impacts of the Proposed Projects on the Town of Stafford; and


WHEREAS, in accordance with the Town Code of the Town of Stafford, the Town Board now wishes to engage Camoin Associates to conduct a socio-economic study assessing the potential impacts of the Proposed Projects on the Town of Stafford.


NOW ON MOTION OF Councilman Young which has been duly seconded by Councilman Panek, be it


RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Stafford shall hereby engage Camoin Associates to conduct a socio-economic impact study of the Proposed Projects on the Town of Stafford; and be it further


RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes Supervisor Robert Clement to sign any and all documents necessary to engage Camoin Associates to conduct such study; and be it further


RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes Supervisor Robert Clement to approve and execute any and all payments to engage and retain the services of Camoin Associates.


Ayes:   5

Nays:   0


Quorum Present:  X Yes


Dated: February 10, 2025


[SEAL]                                                                                   Barbara Radley, Clerk

Town of Stafford



I, Barbara Radley, Town Clerk of the Town  of Stafford, County of Genesee and State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Stafford, on the 10th day of February, 2025 with the original now on file in my office, and the same is a correct and true copy of said resolution and of the whole thereof.

Dated: February 10, 2025                                                       Barbara Radley

Town Clerk


Councilman Panek made a motion to table Resolution 16 at this time, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Our attorney David DiMatteo presented material for future Local Laws suggested by our Assessor. These are for exemptions for veterans that we currently use and need to have as Local Laws. The Assessor will further review, and the Town Board may approve them at such time.

Supervisor Clement read the Fire Department report.

Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve the CEO/ZEO Report, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Pacer made a motion to approve the Assessor Report, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Young made a motion to approve Resolution 12 to Accept Water District #12 Information, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.




WHEREAS the Town Board has received information regarding Water District #12 and,

WHEREAS the Town Board reviewed the information,

THEREFORE, the Town Board of the Town of Stafford has reviewed the information and accepts the information for Water District #12.

Offered by: Councilman Young

Second by:  Councilman Pacer

Approved on a 5-0 vote.



Councilman Young made a motion to approve Resolution 13 to Authorize the Supervisor to sign Water District Paperwork, second by Councilman Panek and approved on a Roll Call Vote:

Councilman Panek                  Yes

Councilman Young                 Yes

Councilman Duyssen              Yes

Councilman Pacer                   Yes

Supervisor Clement                 Yes

RESOLUTION 13                                          DATED: FEBRUARY 10, 2025




WHEREAS,  the Town of Stafford has received paperwork for Water District # 12, and

WHEREAS the paperwork for Water District # 12 is for our engineering firm, CPL which has incurred increased costs due to emergency repairs, etc.

THEREFORE, the Town Board of the Town of Stafford authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the paperwork from CPL for increased costs incurred.

Offered by: Councilman Young

Second by:  Councilman Panek

Approved on a Roll Call Vote

Councilman Panek                  Yes

Councilman Young                 Yes

Councilman Duyssen              Yes

Councilman Pacer                   Yes

Supervisor Clement                 Yes






Councilman Pacer made a motion to accept Resolution 14 to Rescind Resolution 80 of 2024, second by Councilman Duyssen and approved on a Roll Call Vote.

Councilman Panek                  Yes

Councilman Young                 Yes

Councilman Duyssen              Yes

Councilman Pacer                   Yes

Supervisor Clement                 Yes


RESOLUTION 14                                          DATED: FEBRUARY 10, 2025




WHEREAS Resolution 80 of 2024, Establishing Standard Workday and Reporting Elected and Appointed Officials Exempt from The Time and Attendance System was adopted on November 11, 2024 and,

WHEREAS Upon review of the State of New York, was not approved as adopted and,

WHEREAS The State of New York did not agree with the Record of Activities section of the resolution and asked for it to be adjusted,

THEREFORE, the Town Board of the Town of Stafford shall rescind Resolution 80 of 2024 and replace it with Resolution 15 of 2025 with adjustments.


Offered by: Councilman Pacer

Second by:  Councilman Duyssen

Approved on a Roll Call Vote:

Councilman Panek                              Yes

Councilman Young                             Yes

Councilman Duyssen                          Yes

Councilman Pacer                               Yes

Supervisor Clement                             Yes


Councilman Panek made a motion to accept Resolution 15 Establishing Standard Workday and Reporting Elected and Appointed Officials Exempt from the Time and Attendance System, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.


RESOLUTION NO.   15                                                                    DATED:  February 10, 2025



RESOLVED, the Stafford Town Board hereby establishes the following as a standard workday for elected and appointed officials exempt from the time and attendance system and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the Town Clerk and Financial Clerk;


Elected & Appointed Officials

Title     Name   Social Security Number

(Last 4 digits)  NYSLRS ID:  Standard  Work Day

(hrs/day)          Current Term Begins/Ends      Participates in Employer’s Time Keeping System      Record of Activities         Tier 1

(Check only if member is in Tier 1)   Not submitted

(Check box if no record of activities completed or timekeeping system)

Town Council  Robert Pacer                           6         01/01/2024- 12/31/2027          N         2.31

and be it further


RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby directed, as required by Section 315.4 (c), to post said resolution on the Town’s website and the sign board located in the Town Hall; and be it further


RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the resolution and an affidavit of posting with the Office of the State Comptroller’s within 15 days after the public posting period has ended.



Offered by:     Councilman Panek

Second by:      Councilman  Young

Ayes: 5


Genesee County has offered a grant worth $5,000.00 to our Town. This was discussed and it has been decided that we will revisit this proposal soon.

The Fire Department has their sign board working again and may extend the privilege of the Town using it when necessary to promote meetings, etc. This was discussed. After a discussion Councilman Panek made a motion that a letter be drafted asking the Fire Department for the Town to use the sign for promotional purposes, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Our bookkeeping firm LGSS has sent an email requesting the Town Board to amend the Organizational Charts for the following: Financial Clerk from salary to hourly, both Court Clerks from salary to hourly and the Cemetery Honors to be added from the Organizational Meeting minutes.

The Court positions were discussed and decided that an email be sent to the Bookkeeping firm to ask what prompted this and are these changes a result of law or preference of the firm.

Councilman Panek discussed the upcoming GAM meeting and suggested that we participate since the topic is consolidating the Code Officer positions for the County. Councilman Young and Councilman Panek plan to attend.

Councilman Panek is also still investigating Broadband for the County; he has been in contact with Matt Landers and the Broadband is in Pembroke now with Phase 1, the goal is to have this completed for the County by the end of the year 2025.

Councilman Duyssen reported on the Historical Society, as President he is investigating the insurance and contracts. A contract between the Town and Historical Society was accepted in 2003, it appears that there is insurance coverage in excess. He will check into insurance and if the current insurance is necessary.

Councilman Duyssen also talked about Code Officer Sinclair; Officer Sinclair was asked in writing to close the open Building Permits for the years 2021-2023, the Assessor has asked for them through the Town Board and has not received one yet; they were to be completed by December 31, 2024. Councilman Young will contact Officer Sinclair to inquire why they are not completed.

The Right to Farm Local Law was questioned. This is still being investigated and will be presented when all the information is completed.


Mr. Pontillo asked about a Building Permit for his property at 6177 Main Rd. He was advised to talk to Officer Sinclair and indicated that he will talk to him on Wednesday.

Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Abstract #13 General Fund in the amount of $7,610.57, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay General Abstract #2 in the amount of $23,963.46, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Highway Abstract #2 in the amount of $10,426.70, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Capital Fund Abstract #2 in the amount of $2,955.00, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Duyssen made a motion to pay Water Fund Abstract #2 in the amount of $6,507.00, second by Councilman Pacer and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Councilman Panek made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm, second by Councilman Young and approved on a 5-0 vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Radley

Town Clerk/Tax Collector